Ciclis 2 is the perspective version of Ciclis, the most fun, pretty, fast, easy, and with best artificial intelligence cycling game in the world.
The goal of game consist in run a cyclist tour of 21 stages, trying to win time in each stage in order to improve your time in general classification.
Player controls a cyclist: You can speed up, speed down , and change your position in the road.
We are in 2021 and the Ciclis tour has become the main test of the cycling calendar
because it travels across Europe in just 21 days.
The Tour begins in Madrid and crosses the Cantabrian, the Pyrenees, The Alps, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands and United Kingdom
to finalize in the stage number 21 in Paris.
The most importan thing in Ciclis is to be in a good position in crowd or get in a good escape group in order to arrive to finishing line with mínimum energy spend.
To spend less energy you must put you behind another cyclist, otherwise you lose your energy and then lose speed.
The strong point of Ciclis is his high artificial intelligence, cyclist move himself like in a real race thanks to advised given
by high level cyclists.
Cyclists make attacks. You can join to this atac if you have forces. Other cyclists could join the atac too.
Cyclists try to catch the escape groups, and if they get it, they stop his speed or continue at his rhythm.
Sometimes a cyclist lose contatc with crowd, and cyclists behind him could lose these contact too.
When cyclists are near finishing line, they sprint whith all his forces.
Cyclists too follow player wheel and join your attacks.
Is convenient go in front positions of crowd in order to see posible attacks.
Is good to join to an attack of a good cyclist because is probable that crowd can not catch him.
If you want join to an scape, try to do when it happens to spend less energy.
If you want to scape from a cyclists that follow you, speed up and speed out many times.
If you are in an scape that runs very fast and your energy is near to finish, try to put you first in order to see if others follow your wheel, then speed out you and you will stop the speed of the scape. This does not function allwais.
When you are going to finish your energy and don't have food, your cyclists saids "I can´t" and loses speed fastly. However you can lose speed more slowly if you are in a wheel, it can be usefull to get to arrive to finishing line and then make a best position. |
When you are with forces mounts an escape llevándote with you to a good cyclist but badly placed in the general so that it does not do competition to you
in the general. Seek that man and try that him join to your escape.
Once you are scaped, reduce your speed and go to its wheel.
In the ascents you can go to more speed that others but spending much energy,
ideal for escape in mountain to gain the mountain prize or to leave them back simply.
When the race goes very fast and it does not interest to you, make several scapes to see if they put to your wheel
and when they do it you brake to them.
Try to catch the good escape and do not lose forces trying to catch men of little category that surely will fall sooner or later.
Go in the wheel of others whenever you can. Taken care of with the curves: put you to the other side for not go out of the highway with inertia
Attack when lacks little for goal.
If all go away to you, try to restrain to the last one to have a companion to mark a good rate between both, one single without energy goes very slowly.
Spend your money in meals and energy. Is suitable to leave something of money for the food of the following stage in case that tou do not win nothing.